Saturday, March 6, 2010

Cardigans, Subarus and Trust-funds Oh My!

When we were leaving the Farmer's Market today Mad Dog posed a question. "Does this make us Yuppies?" I was immediately said "No!" Then I got to thinking, are we?

The definition of "Yuppie" is a Young Urban Professional. Are we young - I would say borderline. Are we urban? Worcester is a City. (Damn maybe I answered too quickly). and Finally are we Professional? - this I would like to say no, but I think within the definition we are. But I see Yuppies as people with a high paying job (see this isn't us), sending their kids to class after class (Lex did take gymnastics), jumping on the bandwagon of some cause (Oh God - I have to hide my soup box) and driving a Volvo, Saab or a Subaru (it doesn't count if it's used and old!).

What brought this thought around? I asked Mad Dog. He said that everyone we saw today at the Farmer's Market shopping was exactly that. Yuppies. A lot of L.L. Bean, Land's End and Eddie Bauer. I don't see us this way we're far more EMS (Eastern Mountain Sport), Vans and Eddie Izzard. No, we're not yuppies, but who are the people surrounding the Locavorism movement? Is this life style for people with kids in college and enough money in the bank not to worry? Will the people outside the Farms that we will run into while traveling this journey be tasting the goat cheese on silver spoons?

I don't know. Honestly I don't care. I don't see us as Yuppies. I don't think we're that far gone. I do know that our ideals have been changing. We have kids to look after, it's not just us. We have something to worry about now, something to loss - our family if we don't think about us as a whole and let our ideals take place of our responsibilities.

Will you see me in L.L. Bean shopping? Maybe for camping gear, but I won't be buy a cardigan anytime soon.

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